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In today’s digital world, it’s easy to send a quick text or email to show appreciation or send a message. However, there’s something special about receiving a handwritten note card. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using handwritten stationery in a digital age.

pen, handwriting, writing, note

Benefits of Handwritten Note Cards

Personal Touch

A handwritten note card adds a personal touch that cannot be replicated by a digital message. The recipient feels special knowing that someone took the time to sit down and write a message just for them.

Emotional Connection

A handwritten note card creates an emotional connection with the recipient. It shows that the sender cares and values the relationship.

Long-lasting Impression

A handwritten note card is memorable and leaves a lasting impression. The recipient is more likely to remember the message and the sender because of the effort put into writing the note.


Handwritten note cards can be customized with different fonts, colors, and designs to fit the occasion or the recipient’s personality. It allows the sender to be creative and make the note card unique.


Is it better to email or handwritten thank-you note?

A handwritten thank-you note is better because it adds a personal touch and shows the recipient that you took the time to write a message just for them.

Why writing letters is better than emailing?

Writing letters is better than emailing because it adds a personal touch, creates an emotional connection, and leaves a long-lasting impression.

Is it OK to send thank you notes via email?

While it’s better to send a handwritten note, sending a thank-you note via email is still acceptable, especially if it’s the only option available.

Are handwritten cards better?

Yes, handwritten cards are better because they add a personal touch and create an emotional connection with the recipient.

Is sending an email like sending a postcard?

No, sending an email is not like sending a postcard. A postcard can be a handwritten message, whereas an email is digital and lacks the personal touch of a handwritten note.

Why might an email thank-you note be preferred to a handwritten note?

An email thank-you note might be preferred to a handwritten note if the recipient is in a rush or if the sender and recipient have a mostly digital relationship. However, a handwritten note is always preferred if possible.

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